Actions, not words: Five reasons businesses should be measuring their core values

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Measuring your company’s core values is essential for driving revenue growth and long-term success. Here are five reasons why measuring your company’s core values is important for revenue:


Your company’s core values help you differentiate your business from competitors, which can lead to increased revenue. By building a brand that reflects your values and aspirations, you can establish a unique and compelling identity that sets you apart from others in your industry. This can help you attract customers who share your values and align with their beliefs. This can increase revenue as these customers become loyal advocates for your brand and help spread the word about your business.

Customer Engagement

Connect with your customers on a deeper level by delivering on your core values with each interaction. This practice helps build trust and can create a stronger emotional connection with your customers, leading to increased loyalty and advocacy. In turn, your most loyal customers become your most effective marketing channel.

Employee Alignment

Measuring core values helps to ensure that everyone in the organization is aligned with the company’s mission, vision, and values. When everyone understands and shares the same core values, they are more likely to work together towards a common goal and make decisions consistent with the company’s values. This will have a positive impact on employee performance, customer service, and company culture. 


When core values are clearly defined and measured, it becomes easier to identify behaviors that align with those values and behaviors that do not. This helps to ensure that employees are held accountable for their actions and that they understand the consequences of not living up to the company’s values. This can help you avoid reputation-damaging missteps, such as ethical lapses or environmental violations. Setting a standard helps create equity inside your business and sends a message to customers and stakeholders that they can trust you to deliver. 

Strategic Planning

Core values are fundamental beliefs that guide an organization’s behavior and decision-making. Integrating core values into strategic planning can improve the effectiveness and alignment of the planning process and drive strategy. When an organization has a clear understanding of its core values, it can prioritize initiatives and goals that align with those values, ensuring that resources are allocated to the most important and impactful projects. Measuring your core values can increase revenue potential as your business becomes more focused and effective during the planning process. 

All of these benefits can help you drive revenue growth and build a sustainable, successful business for the future. Start thinking about how to turn your core values into actions by taking these steps: 

  1. Define what success looks like for each value: To measure your core values, you need to define what success looks like for each value. For example, if one of your core values is “integrity,” you may define success as consistently acting honestly and ethically.
  2. Create metrics: Once you have defined what success looks like for each value, create metrics that you can use to measure your progress. For example, you may track how often you act in accordance with your values, how often you have to make difficult decisions that require you to choose between your values and other priorities, or how often you receive positive feedback from others regarding your behavior.
  3. Monitor your progress: Regularly monitor your progress in living your values by tracking your metrics. This will allow you to identify areas where you are succeeding and areas where you may need to improve.
  4. Reflect on your values regularly: Reflect on them regularly and assess how well you are living them. Ask yourself questions such as “How well am I living my values?” or “What can I do to better align my behavior with my values?”
  5. Get feedback from others: Seek feedback from others, such as friends, family members, or colleagues, on how well they think you are living your values. This can provide valuable insight and help you identify areas where you may need to make improvements.